Friday, October 14, 2005

Sound of Mercy .....

A country that was once a part of this 'nation'. That country,now in the limelight for supporting terrorism and a potent threat to the sovereignity of this nation. The country runs, terrorist camps, a nuclear programme and has deals with a lot of nations who would not like the direction in which this nation is headed!!

Well, all that is said and done. The country's integrity and soverignity should be defended by all means. This post is the rant against all the folks who feel that 'we' should not help 'them' as they are a potential threat to us. Well, disaster strikes are random ( Seismologists may beg to differ .. but lets not get technical) and thus shunning 'them' on these grounds may not be the most right thing to do. Aid to 'them' is no way wrong. Maybe one need not help them financially , as there is a fear that the money may get siphoned to the wrong sources. But some, so called 'educated' were of the opinion that even 'humanitarian' aid should not be provided to this country that has committed 'inhuman' acts!!

SIGH!! Very few people derive a high in 'hitting' their enemy when 'they' are helpless!Atleast, thats what the "BOXING' coach taught me in school!!


Ashwin said...

I second you on tht!! Well, just cos there are some crazy nuts out there doesnt mean the whole country is filled with filth!! well, @least infy doesnt think so!!

Sayesha said...

Agree with you, Jay!